§ 8 Penalties

§ 8.1 Severity in Penalties

How severe a penalty is decided by the Race Stewards (Reko). The penalties range from a simple warning to exclusion from GPLRACER. Possible penalties that the Reko can give are:

For the previous race:

  • No points awarded
  • Time penalty
  • Disqualification (DQ)
  • Exclusion from server and DQ
  • Exclusion from the league

For the next race:

  • Warning
  • Shift+R not allowed (in case of mode Intermediate)
  • Drive-through penalty through the pitlane in 2nd gear in lap ‘X’ (‘X’ announced by the Reko)
  • Stop and Go penalty in lap ‘X’
  • Race the event without qualification
  • Race the event without qualification and a drive-through penalty in lap ‘X’
  • Race the event without qualification and a Stop and Go penalty in lap ‘X’
  • Starting from the pit box (qualification allowed as a warm-up)
  • Starting from the pit box and a drive-through penalty in lap ‘X’
  • Starting from the pit box and a Stop and Go penalty in lap ‘X’
  • Exclusion for one race
  • Exclusion for multiple races
  • Exclusion for the remainder of the season
  • Exclusion from the league

§ 8.2 Penalties for incidents in the starting phase

Usually, the starting phase will be viewed by the Reko. When an incident occurs during this stage of the race, the involved drivers may receive a punishment. When you had been given a warning beforehand the risk of a penalty increases.

§ 8.3 Penalties for DNS (Did Not Start)

In case a driver cannot take part in a race event, he should delete his PB (personal best time) in time before the race, or – if not possible – he should send a message to an admin. The Reko can penalize a DNS in case the driver is violating this obligation.

§ 9 Race Stewards (Reko)

The Race Stewards (Reko) are:

  • Paul Skingley
  • Anders Ostlund
  • Marcel Gerris
  • David Cheshire
  • Stefan Roess
  • Yannick Verheijen
  • John Smith

§ 9.1 Reko investigation

You can only submit an incident to the Reko 12-48 hours after the race, otherwise, it will not be treated.

Submit objection / Reko request:
Please contact one of the GPLRACER administrators via private message on the GPLRACER forum:

Since the start of 2020 the Reko team have had a more lenient approach to incidents and penalties. From now on the Reko will NOT investigate complaints against other drivers unless the incident is deemed to be a malicious or deliberate action. For “racing incidents” we encourage members to discuss and resolve the incident themselves in a fair and peaceful manner.

§ 10 Administrators

The GPLRACER Admins are:

  • Stefan Roess (Hosting, Webdesign, Administration Racing Server, Race Director)
  • John Smith (PB Database Programming)
  • Paul Skingley (Race Director, Server Administration)
  • Anders Ostlund (Race Director, Server Administration)
  • Marcel Gerris (Race Director, Server Administration)
  • David Cheshire (Server Administration)
  • Yannick Verheijen (Support Administration)


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