§ 11 Points system

Grid 1Grid 2
01. Position: 41 Points
02. Position: 37 Points
03. Position: 35 Points
04. Position: 33 Points
05. Position: 31 Points
06. Position: 29 Points
07. Position: 27 Points
08. Position: 25 Points
09. Position: 23 Points
10. Position: 21 Points
11. Position: 19 Points
12. Position: 18 Points
13. Position: 17 Points
14. Position: 16 Points
15. Position: 15 Points
16. Position: 14 Points
17. Position: 13 Points
18. Position: 12 Points
19. Position: 11 Points
01. Position: 31 Points
02. Position: 27 Points
03. Position: 25 Points
04. Position: 23 Points
05. Position: 21 Points
06. Position: 19 Points
07. Position: 17 Points
08. Position: 15 Points
09. Position: 13 Points
10. Position: 11 Points
11. Position: 09 Points
12. Position: 08 Points
13. Position: 07 Points
14. Position: 06 Points
15. Position: 05 Points
16. Position: 04 Points
17. Position: 03 Points
18. Position: 02 Points
19. Position: 01 Point

Note: You can only get points when you cross the finish line. When other Points systems are being used, this is explicitly announced at GPLRACER, for instance through the forum (see § 12). To determine the race results and to allocate the points the admins use the GPL Replay Analyser (GPLRA) program.

§ 12 Application and changes

These rules are applicable for all GPLRACERS in any event and mod in the league. When the GPLRACER rules do not apply this will be clearly stated at the league/mod homepage, and/or in the forum. GPLRACER reserves the right to make changes to the rules. These will be announced in the forum. Every driver has to know about these changes when they join a GPLRACER race. By joining this league every driver states that he has read the rules and agrees with them.


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